5 Things I’m Loving Right Now

I’m not usually excited about Mondays, but this week is a full school week. No holidays, no half days. Woohoo! Of course now that I said that, Sophia might get sick and have to stay home from school. So, um, ixnay on that.

Besides a full week of school, here are five things I’m loving right now:
1. L’Oréal Paris Magic BB Cream. I don’t wear a lot of make-up (except for the occasional lipstick). Mostly I pull out my make-up when I’m going out for a meeting or party or when I’m at a conference. I never seem to remember or find the time to wear any make-up on a day-to-day basis. Also, I don’t want to wear make-up everyday. I first heard about BB Cream from the lovely Jessica McFadden on her MomTV show so when SheSpeaks offered me some to try, I jumped at it.
Me & Stacey (Photo courtesy of Stacey Ferguson)
I’m really impressed by the L’Oréal Paris Magic BB Cream. I’m terrible at picking out make-up to match my skin tone and I didn’t have to think too hard with the BB cream. The self-adjusting beads will blend into my skin color. BB (or beauty balm) cream is light and just smooths out your complexion. I have naturally have pink cheeks. Sometimes my skin is so pale, the the pink looks almost red. The BB Cream toned down my redness without looking cakey or feeling heavy. I didn’t even feel like I was wearing any make-up. Plus it’s reasonably priced. At my local Target it’s only $7.99.
Check out the photo above of me and Stacey from the Kmart #SharetheWord tweet-up. I have to admit, I look pretty good. All I’m wearing is L’Oréal Paris Magic BB Cream and some lipstick.
2. Life of Pi by Yann  Martel.  I finished the book last week and was blown away. (Read my review of Life of Pi on From Left to Write.) I had a chance to see the movie over the weekend. Ang Lee’s vision of the book was absolutely gorgeous. I thought the movie adaptation stay as true to the book as it possibly could. It’s definitely a very intense movie. Have you seen Life of Pi? (Note: I’m writing this before the end of the Oscars so I have no idea if it’s won the Best Picture award.)
The kids are so excited to make maple syrup snow cones now.
3. Maple Syrup! Ok, maybe not maple syrup per se, but I took the kids to a local Maple Syrup Festival yesterday and we had an amazing time. Not only did they get to see firsthand how maple sap is collected and cooked down, we had samples! Brookside Gardens let us taste maple sap, pancakes with maple syrup and maple syrup snow cones (yes, as good as it sounds). I even stood in line for 30 minutes for some freshly made kettle corn. The weather held up beautifully–not too cold and dry. The kids had a blast playing outside and in the dirt. Sophia even had a chance to play a real life Angry Birds type game.
4. New to me teas: Chocolate Hazelnut Tea & Sunny Orange Tea from Stash Tea. Need I say more?
5. I just finished my first ever Amish cozy murder mystery. Ha, you’re probably having the same reaction I had when I read the pitch. Turns out A Plain Scandal: An Appleseed Creek Mystery by Amanda Flower was just the book I needed on a rainy Saturday evening. It gave me a great slice of life view on Amish culture. Even if someone did get murdered. (Read my full review on From Left to Write.)

What are you loving right now?

I received L’Oréal Paris Magic BB Cream from SheSpeaks in order to review it. I also received a review copy of A Plain Scandal. All opinions are my own.