Slowing Down To Give Thanks #AsianMomBloggers

Family at Thanksgiving 2014

I’ve been thinking ahead to Thanksgiving. I can barely wrap my head around Halloween and the kids’ upcoming birthdays next month, but I love me some Thanksgiving. Part of the anticipation is deciding on our menu. It’s the Super Bowl for foodies!

For me, Thanksgiving lasts more than just that one day of table crowded with giant turkey and amazing sides. Not to mention the pies. We start the food prep early in the week with the pies and the turkey brine. Now that Sophia and Jaxson are older, they help plan the menu and help bake the pies. They even volunteer to peel potatoes!

Most of our family meals are hurried because I’m tired or we’re just strapped for time.  I’m grateful that our Thanksgiving prep forces us to slow down. Each decision is deliberate. Every family member gets a vote on the types of sides and desserts. We make lists and shop for groceries together. We’re about to head into a very busy time for our family (that’s what I get for birthing both kids in November). Thanksgiving is a respite in between birthdays and Christmas.

Sophia & Mom Thanksgiving Prep 2014

Since my husband and I moved out of Louisiana, we’ve yet to have a Thanksgiving with our families. Budget constraints and lack of vacation time have made it difficult to fly home for a short visit. Our local celebration has comprised of a different sort of family: our good friends. They aren’t family by blood or marriage, but they’re family through love.

I know the kids enjoy and savor slowing down for the week as we prepare. Often I’m so busy and/or tired. I don’t feel as if they get enough quality time with me. I make a point to slow down that week so we can cook and bake together. Watch movies after we stuff ourselves silly. Play Just Dance to work off the big meal. Make a giant pot of gumbo with the leftover turkey.

I’m creating a tradition for my kids that I hope will stay with them when they’re adults with families of their own.

How do you make time to slow down to give thanks?

#AsianMomBloggers Graphic

Our October blog carnival is about how we give thanks. Check out what cool things my fellow ‪#‎AsianMomBloggers‬ and their family do during this season of thanks.


  1. Stephanie Porter October 19, 2015
  2. Bicultural Mama October 19, 2015
  3. Phyllis October 19, 2015
  4. HapaMama October 19, 2015